About Us
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
NCNC is a center for Nepali communities to blend and foster relationships with other communities in North Carolina while maintaining Nepali culture and identity. Founding members of the NCNC realized that a formal organization was required to better serve new Nepali immigrants, students, and travelers to and from here as well as provide an opportunity to extend helping hand to Nepal and around the world.
NCNC was thus born in 1999 and was registered as a 501 c(3) non-profit organization. NCNC’s programs and activities throughout the year demonstrate significant contributions to the social and economic well-being of our community here. Members have also served in the US Armed Forces. In recognition of a responsible community organization, the Town of Morrisville, and Wake County have declared a proclamation observing the third Saturday of April as Nepal Day. A similar NC Senatorial Statement was made recognizing the Nepali Community in Wake County. NCNC has also received support by many individuals, organizations, and businesses such as Center for South Asia Studies, Town of Cary, International Focus, Triangle Community Foundation, UNC Chapel Hill, Rex Hospital, Hindu Society of North Carolina, NCDOT, NC State University, Sujan Parita Educational Foundation (SPEF) and other local and regional Nepali organizations with similar purpose.
NCNC’s Motto is “First in Height, First in Flight”. Buddha was born in Nepal and Mount Everest is in Nepal. First part of our motto “First in Height ” signifies a tall friendship however peaceful in nature – a message from Buddha. Second part “First in Flight” recognizes leadership in innovation in NC and seeks to derive similar inspiration. Our logo has the symbol of shaking hands with flags of Nepal and US again signifying what NCNC’s main objective is – friendship. As we progress, our focus continues to be to provide opportunities for our members to attain their fullest potential and develop better citizenship. Further, one of the important goals of NCNC is to provide a “stage” for our children and youths so that they can compete and perform in the “center stage” in this society as they grow-up.
NCNC has hosted various Nepali celebrities from different walks of life such as: political leaders, diplomats, poets and writers, spiritual and other prominent personalities for interaction. We have brought nationally acclaimed drama, movies, Kollywood stars, nationally renowned Comedians, folks-cultural-modern musical artists-celebrities, all to keep our youth interested in Nepal and Nepali, and keep our members connected with Nepal. Here in Wake county NCNC runs a Nepali School for children every Sunday, publishes an annual Newsletter, hosts Nepal Day during the third week of April, participates in a Deusi-bhailo program in October, conducts annual meetings during Nepali New Year and Dashain Festival. NCNC interacts with other communities by taking part in the International Festival, Lazy Daze, Spring Daze and similar other festivals. NCNC and SPEF have established an annual scholarship award program for college bound NCNC community members. NCNC has an annual highway cleaning program in cooperation with NCDOT, Blood donation programs, sports competitions and so on. On occasions NCNC has raised funds for natural calamities in Nepal and elsewhere. The Run for Nepal event was organized as a fundraiser and community wellbeing. To maintain relationships with other similar organizations, NCNC has hosted joint conventions where members have the opportunity in a larger crowd to network, perform on stage, take part in various forums related to Nepal, Nepali, and other developments. NCNC hopes to have its own physical building in future.
BYLAWS (last amendment April 16, 2016) OF NEPAL CENTER OF NORTH CAROLINA INCORPORATION – Click here to download
Community Members